Select your Cloud Marketplace
You have decided to develop your business through B2B Cloud Marketplaces. But how do you build your Business Plan? How do you decide on which Marketplace to go for among dozen of them? What's the rationale?
At Bravenn, we understand the advantages and disadvantages of each Marketplace from a technical and business perspective and we can build together your Marketplace business case.
We will benchmark the main Marketplaces of your choice to help you to make the right choice to grow your business fast. The technical outcome of the study might be to package your IP in containers on GCP (e.g. Kubernetes) or simply build a connector between ServiceNow and your software.
Depending on your business priorities, you will recommend the best cloud solution and therefore the best Marketplace for your growth strategy.
The business case includes:
Recommended Marketplace & associated planning
Budget to be on Marketplace
Competitive positioning
Type of app to build and its roadmap
Technical effort to transform legacy
License, GoToMarket strategy & Revenue KPIs